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FedEx MD-11 Catches Fire at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport
A FedEx MD-11 caught fire recently at Fort Lauderdale International Airport in Florida. Severe damage was done to the right wing, engine and landing gear. Details are still breaking. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The most impressive part for me was when I ran outside and saw a 3000 foot long trail of burning jet fuel on the runway, leading to the airplane, whose entire left wing was ablaze. I've been in aviation my entire life, and I've never seen anything like it. The pilots went out the copilot's window on a rope, and they're OK. Not my usual day at work at FLL. Strong crosswind out of the northeast, and some guys I know were watching as it happened. They said it hit pretty hard on the left main first.
here's the ATC audio:
A few initial reports from BCAD here. Official ARFF response time, call to first foam was 90 seconds. Appx fuel on landing 40,000. FLL resumed south runway ops 1:10 after incident. Underwriters value of the a/c US$10.5M.
I keep up w/N306FE w/alerts as it was the DC-10 involved in the attempted hijacking of FedEx 705. Know FedEx wants to forget it; but in my heart, I hope that it's preserved in some way/fashion as a historical artifact & remembrance.
The aircraft in this incident was N370FE not N306FE.
REALLY ????? Look @ my comment closer
What does that reply even mean? Your comment contains remarks and a link to a wikipedia article about an incident completely unrelated to this story... other than similar plane and same operator.