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El Al “draws” image of jumbo to commemorate its very last Boeing 747 flight
After 48 years of service, El Al joins the aviation ranks in saying good bye to the Boeing 747. To honor the jumbo’s send off, just two hours before its arrival into Tel Aviv (TLV), the airline leveled off at 10,000 feet and made a series of turns to “draw” a picture of a 747. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
After my comment was not accepted because of an inaccurate password, I can't remember the earlier comment that I had typed.All I can say is that the Boeing 747 was one of aviation's most beautiful commercial aircraft. El Al gave a fitting send-off to such a lovely aircraft.
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Keep your political mouth SHUT!
Touch a nerve? Maybe you need a hug? I know, how about a nice fun bubble wand and some Barney Music! Kidz Bop???
So long old pal.