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Huge spelling mistake on Cathay Pacific plane
(CNN) — Sometimes, a massive typo is right in front of your eyes and you can't see it. For Hong Kong-based airline Cathay Pacific, it was between the "i"s -- on the livery of its Boeing 777-367. In a move that's had the Internet asking "WTF?" ("Where's the F?"), photos emerged Wednesday morning appearing to show a plane on the tarmac at Hong Kong airport, proudly emblazoned with the words "CATHAY PACIIC." ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Someone told Cathay Pacific to "F" off so they took it literally. At least the didn't spell it Cathay SPacific
HA HA HA....Brilliant!
"Cathay Pacific: When you really want to get the F out of there"
that's a really good one :)
I can definitely see this as an accident. Somewhere, someone typed "CATHAY PACIIC" into a program, and that's all she wrote. An enormous plotter started cutting out pieces of vinyl far too large to read as a whole, producing a stack of sections. The team applying it started at the right end so it could be aligned with the door and end of the windows, and worked backward through the name. The letters are 4' high, and the workers were within a foot or two handling the floppy material; they couldn't see more than a couple of letters at a time. Then, when done, they turned their backs and went on to their next tasks. wouldn't surprise me if this was a marketing thing.....look at how much free publicity they are getting over it...