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Trump and Boeing CEO Look to Downscale Requirements on Air Force One Replacement
WASHINGTON — Boeing will reduce the cost of the Air Force One replacement program by adhering to scaled-down requirements and using commercial practices, Boeing head Dennis Muilenburg said after a Tuesday meeting with President-elect Donald Trump. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The Air Force will go back and add everything piece by piece anyway and in the end cost the same or more.
I hope so. Likely the Air Force knows a little bit more, by this time, of what and how that plane is used and what a president and his team expect so that it is not obsolete the day it rolls out the door.
If I were selecting for this baby, I would prefer a stock, production line copy (and not the first one off the line), as the custom stuff introduces safety problems, quite often.
Commercial certification instead of Air Force certification, cutbacks on special construction methods and included options.
So, we get a cheaper plane by building a cheaper plane.
Why not just contract for a refit of a pair of C-17 Globemasters?
So, we get a cheaper plane by building a cheaper plane.
Why not just contract for a refit of a pair of C-17 Globemasters?
C17 not a prestige bird
No, but they already have a fleet of them in service with the AF1 team, and they're cheap!