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TransAsia ATR-72 crashes in Tapei
Taipei, Feb. 4 (CNA) An ATR-72 airplane belonging to TransAsia Airways crashed into the Keelung River in Taipei after hitting an elevated bridge, Taipei City government spokesman Sidney Lin confirmed Wednesday morning. The plane had just taken off from Taipei Songshan Airport and was headed to Kinmen Airport in the outlying county just off the coast of southeastern China. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
As unfortunate as this is, they missed all of those apartments etc... Had it hit one of those, you'd be dealing with a multistory fire, a lot of wreckage falling on streets below (likely crowded). RIP.
Audio recording from
At 23:25 we hear the pilot say "MAYDAY ENGINE FLAME OUT"
At 23:25 we hear the pilot say "MAYDAY ENGINE FLAME OUT"
This is the 3rd fatal accident for TransAsia involving an ATR-72!
Another dash cam video
news this morning was that the pilots shut down the good engine instead of the failing engine...apparently that information from the blackbox.
I had that opinion on the first day. Look just below in this thread.
Well, further investigation into the CVR/FDR indicates the pilots got the engine out warning for the left side but either in haste or by mistake they shut down the good one. They did get a successful restart but way too late. Taiwanese investigators stopped just short of saying pilot error or mistake. However, transport authority or whatever the regulatory body is over there, has ordered a refresher on all ATR pilots, so we'll see.