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Boycott Spirit Airlines
As for the industry-leading rate of complaints, Baldanza said he's not losing sleep over it. 'If you ran a restaurant, and out of every 100,000 customers, 8 of them said they didn’t like your menu, would you change your restaurant?' he asked. 'Why don’t we interpret that 99.92 of all customers have no complaints? ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
No my bank does not charge fees .... FAA needs to re-enter the picture and re-regulate the craziness that the airlines have turned theirselves into ... Airline regulation helped control airfares and what the could charge for... We need that back, not to have SPIRT or any other "nickle anyd dime" us ..
I can understand having a NO REFUND POLICY, however, there are always exceptions to the rule, this being one. This could have been avoided if Spirit Airlines had offered to fly his daughter to see him thus being able to keep the money and getting a lot of good press out of it at the same time with little additional cost to the airlines. The headlines may have read "SPIRIT AIRLINES SUPPORTS VETS BY FLYING DAUGHTER TO SEE HER DAD AFTER DOCTOR RESTRICTED HIM FROM FLYING BECAUSE OF TERMINAL CANCER" Thinking out of the "box" is not a bad thing as most vets will admit.
Spirit Airlines is both ... The joke and the fool !!
Doesn't your bank charge various fees for services. It's a business, if one doesn't agree with a particular vendor, go to the next.
I have.
I agree with RobSJC and the author (Hess). While Spirit did nothing illegal they are both the fool and the joke. If almost any other business advertised this way the FTC would step in and put a stop to misleading advertising. Spirit is probably worst at this, but all the airlines, with the exception of Southwest, play these games. And the more people only look at the price, the more they deserve this kind of service (the Wal-Mart syndrome).