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U.S. Transportation Secretary Warns Airlines to Help Travelers or Face New Rules
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has warned airlines that his department could draft new rules around passenger rights if the carriers don’t give more help to travelers trapped by flight cancellations and delays. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
No more sleeping in airport terminals? It will be interesting to see how airlines define "not our fault" for cancellations and delays.
Act of God."
That pretty much covers it all, no matter what industry we're talking about. When you can't weasel out of something with facts, just fall back on the age-old insurance ruse.
Add getting the luggage to the destination with the passengers.
Unintended consequences! The politicians shut everything down when covid hit. They forced rules that made business very difficult. Airlines, schools and many other businesses were dramatically affected. Businesses cut staff, offered early retirement, buyouts and the politicians even paid people money not to work. What could go wrong here? So many retired, took buyouts, found a new profession. Now the schools are having difficulty finding teachers, empty classrooms when parents self taught or found charter schools, airlines and other businesses have staff shortages throughout their business. So now the politicians are blaming everyone but themselves for the problems they created.
The shutdown created major problems because of its partial nature. The politicians did not shut down the monetary system at all, so businesses and individual owed money while being blocked from making money. If we had truly shut everything down, there would be no pandemic, and the loss of mankind producing nothing for a few weeks, a loss of $billions, would be small compared to the cost of Covid19, an ongoing cost.
Shutdown of the airline industry? Nope, the CARES act made sure the airlines got a government tit to suck on.
Thanks Trumptards for the government spending of the CARES act, you suck.