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ALB Gate 4: Easing a Passenger's Distress
I heard an announcement: "If anyone in the vicinity of Gate A-4 understands any Arabic, please come to the gate immediately." ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
What a warm, endearing read. Nice change from all the air rage incidents.
This reminded me of my experience. Leaving Amman, Jordan. In the duty free store I was chatting with travel companion - wanted to buy lots of the Valentino Oud perfume for gifts for family, but my pocket book limited me. An hour later at the gate a woman was speaking loudly, getting upset at attendant at gate. Her 80 year old mother was going 1st class to Dallas where she'll be met by her son. Mom only speaks and reads Arabic. Daughter wants someone assigned to assist Mom - especially at 4 hour layover in Frankfurt where there was also a change in terminals. I cautiously interrupted, said I was going to DFW via Frankfurt and offered to help her Mom. She offered to pay and I refused. She explained things to her Mom, I gave daughter all my contact info, and she then left. As we were almost boarding, she came back with 2 HUGE bags filled with every Valentino product sold in the duty free store. Seems like she had been in duty free store and he had heard me earlier, this was her thanks, and told me to share products with my family. The elderly woman was in 1st class, I was in economy. I knew how to say "Please, come on." since our guide had said it many times during the tour. When I bought her Mom brunch in Frankfurt, she was able to call daughter. Daughter was so grateful that I bought her Mom something to eat, showed location of bathroom, and was patient with Mom. Apparently, daughter called brother, told him story and - he had a limo waiting and took us home. Family and I have stayed in touch since 2014.
I needed this type of positive story; all of us do. Thanks.
That's such better than reading about the near daily occurrence of air rage.
Damn good story, with a marvellous sentiment in the concluding paragraph. It should be shared. Widely. PK
Story it is. Prolific writer
Perhaps. But, if nothing else, consider it a parable. I’m not sure there was really a Samaritan who came to a stranger’s aid going to Jericho but it’s a good teaching moment. Have you never been lost in a foreign land and relied on a stranger to help? From New York (which was quite foreign to a youngster from the West) to Saudi Arabia to the Far East, I have had to rely on the “kindness of strangers” in tough situations and was quite grateful for the help.
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I really enjoyed meeting new people and learning about different cultures when I was in the US Navy and visiting many ports in Asia, Europe, and South America. Other fellow shipmates never got past the first bar they came to. To each their own.
What a rich life you must lead.
Such a nearsightedness will leave you a sad, shallow and unrewarding life.