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Santa Monica Firms Contract for Shorter SMO Runway
The Santa Monica city council in California has agreed to a $3.5 million “guaranteed maximum price” contract to Aecom to shorten the runway at Santa Monica Airport (SMO) from 5,000 feet to 3,500 feet. The August 8 approval of the contract is in line with the city’s timeline to begin work on shortening the runway in October and complete the project by December 7, when new FAA charts are ready for release. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
At one time, Douglas Aircraft was located in Santa Monica so you would think the town would be more pro-aviation. However, in 1958 the city refused to lengthen the runway so that DC-8s could be tested there. As a result, Douglas moved its plant to Long Beach, along with 44,000 jobs. Nothing like forward thinking!
Good ol' California politics.
It takes a village to raise a bunch of idiots.
$3.5 million to repaint runway markings. Good for them.
3.5M to bulldoze the entire runway - yes it will be much shorter. This is the playbook from Chicago where hishighness Daley took out Meigs Field one Sunday night while the FAA and aviation community was fast asleep. now it is a sanctuary-city park where people go to get mugged quite often.
Nope the $3.5M is to Repaint the numbers and paint a displaced threshold and some taxiway removal as the article says "While the initial plan would keep pavement intact, ... Gertsen noted removal of runway pavement could be a much costlier endeavor, with environmental ramifications."