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Boeing cites risks in design of A321XLR, Airbus' newest jet
Boeing has raised concerns over the design of arch-rival Airbus’ newest narrow-body jet, the A321XLR, saying a novel type of fuel tank could pose fire risks.The US plane giant’s intervention is not without precedent in a global system that regularly allows manufacturers to chime in whenever safety rules are being interpreted in a way that might affect the rest of the industry. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
In business, there is not comment without reason. IMHO, this is calculated and targeted, unfortunately, to change the current narrative of all the recent Boeing issues. I guess it is an admission that they can't currently beat them in the marketplace and as such have resorted to fear-mongering. Quite sad actually, signs of survival mode management. AND let us not forget that shareholders are the primary customer of Boeing.
[This poster has been suspended.]
Saying that Boeing did not make the statement?
For many, many years Boeing has had a nasty senior management culture. They know no bounds.
Yes, I remember what they did to try and stop the Bombardier C Series.
Its all about using the lawyers and marketing people to put the other guy down.
Marketing politics.
How would Boeing feel if Airbus objected to the Max's design deficiencies, been overruled and look what happened.
Boeing has the 777X in progress. What could Airbus do to further delay a competitive aircraft?
Karma isn't pretty.....and eye for an eye makes everyone blind....