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Video - Bombardier 415 Superscooper Fills Up in California Southern Sierras
This great video shows a Superscooper descending to pick up 1,600 US gallons of water and then climbing out for another water drop on the Cedar Fire. Video by Chuck Barbee and shared with permission. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Awesome video! Thanks for sharing! & Thank You to all the aviation & non-aviation Firefighters, Police, State Troopers, Medics for your devotion to keep all safe.
This has got to be a tough piece of flying: the change in weight and center of gravity has to be a real challenge.Not to mention the deceleration from the resistance of the water being scooped up.
I am also amazed at what must go on when doing an air drop as far as changing/shifting COG and weight.
I am also amazed at what must go on when doing an air drop as far as changing/shifting COG and weight.
Serious cajones on all the firefighters battling those blazes, whether from the air or on the ground.
These pilots do work hard for their flight pay and we all thank them for it. BTW - This video has been viewed on Facebook over 186,000 times and shared 1,100 times. (That's a lot.)
Hope there's some screening on the dump door so they keep the fish :)
These Folks are so Talented! Thank you all!