Avro Avroliner (RJ-85) (C-FLRJ)
Amazing !
quite the radar dome!
Must have super powerful engines to drag that around HgrinJ
I flew on a BAE-146 once (the forerunner), in the late 80s, I think it was PSA in California. I don't remember much about it, except I was fascinated by a plane that small with four engines.
This is a job for Dr. Pimple Popper!
New AWACS System for Ukraine? Great shot!
That's a brilliant shot!
Uwe Mikusch - ti gandon
nice shot
Well that was a misleading thumbnail, lol.
Double-check the aerodynamics and C of G!
It’s got a tumor!
Isn't this picture photoshopped? A huge ball on the middle/back of the plane would cover part of the tail's horizontal stabilizers, instead, all of the stabilizers are visible.
It's not on the plane, Look at the tower in the background supporting the Radar dome.
Great timing!
Great timing!
Lot of drag produced with that bulb attached :)
Well timed. clever shot.
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